Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Is There A War On Our Voice?

   I have been alive for 22 years more than half of them being in the digital media age. So tell me how the only war-related news I remember hearing on the media was about a year ago when Russia declared war on Ukraine. Social media, in fact, all mainstream media FLOODED with posts swarming to protect and instill hope in the Ukraine community. For the first time, I saw a glimpse of the fear and fright that was taking over another country. It is because of the antiwar messages everywhere I was given an unusual perspective to empathize with what I had seen. The people had an opportunity to advocate for antiwar when it did not involve our country directly. It became a glimmer of hope during a dark and sad situation. In my adolescents, I can recall conversations about Afganastian and Iraq wars sparking up often. To my surprise I never paid much attention, I never understood what was going on, I only knew WAR WAS BAD! 

    Ready for things to get convoluted, if an antiwar conversation is constructive, then why do we not see more about the voices that fight for antiwar? Is it because the ulterior views are so systemically contained and oppressed, almost like being locked away and hidden from the public eye? I imagine it's like trying to talk to a customer service representative for USPS by phone, you have to know the precise keywords to say to get somewhere remotely close to your goal! Similarly to how I feel about antiwar websites, I never even knew they existed. Quite frankly, I wish more people knew if you want to know more click here. 


  The government has a reputation for making obscure efforts to eradicate the voices of the people for speaking out against them. Take the Sedition Act of 1798 and yet again in 1918. The 14th Amendment is conceptualized as laws giving people the freedom to petition. Why would the government despise being disputed so immensely? To be anti-war does not necessarily mean to be an anti-American disgrace. It means receiving the freedom to speak for what you believe in, our God-given right! Why make a God-given right so political? After all, the government can't take those rights away from us. Still, they try to find loopholes to intervene. The government went as far as passing the Espionage Act to jail anyone who undermined the war efforts. This induced fear and it allowed them to have control over voicing opinions. Antiwar voices have been punished for decades. Yes, it is a hard pill to swallow because America's Founding Fathers worked diligently to promise a land of life, liberty, and freedom! Freedom from religion, of religion; of speech, of the press; of assembly, to petition. Without the freedom to petition the country depreciates those checks and balances. It is the people's responsibility to find the land of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, even if it means dissenting from the typical view! 

   A question I ask myself; why silence the people who aren't a threat to anyone, who have no incitement in their words? Instead, the mainstream media almost highlights the lawless protests, and the angry and violent people. That seems beyond backward, I would want to live in a country knowing the government is doing everything in its power to silence the infectious violence that spreads with incitement, wouldn't you? Why is there a war on the antiwar voices? The people have every right to discuss and access both extremes of war talk. We should be promoting peace and putting an end to war. Instead, the U.S. media is focusing on it more. The balance should sway towards antiwar talk yet the mainstream media chooses otherwise and honestly brings hate and fear into the country. The media should not be framing things for the worse. The only way to stop the war on our voices is to find a way to promote peace rather than oppress it. 

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