Saturday, June 17, 2023

EOTO Ballpoint Pen Findings

 History of the Ballpoint Pen

    When we think of modern-day pen and paper there's a handful of pens I think we all would imagine. A highly saturated consistent ink flow Pilot Ink rollerball pen; the one with ink practically pouring out for "clean and elegant" writing as described by writers at your best dig a review website. Or think of the classic BIC Pen; an inexpensive ballpoint pen everyone loves. Then there's the designer of pens the Mont Blanc fountain pen; a pen brand well known for meticulously crafted fine material pens "Our pieces are crafted to perform superbly and symbolize elegance for many lifetimes"( Regardless of brand, we know the pen was revolutionary. Think before the invention of the ballpoint pen. The invention of the ballpoint pen welcomed a new era of innovation for writing and communicating.
    I like to play a game with myself when I think of an invention, I call it the million-dollar idea of the day. Prior to Apple announcing the update with Facetime video voicemails, it was one of my million-dollar ideas! Now there serval ideas that come to me because I genuinely am thinking about how to make something better or fix a current system, true. However, most of them come to me because of how inconvenienced I am, when something agitates me so much so that even I could make it better. That was the thought behind the Ballpoint pen. 

    In 1938, after working on it for a decade prior, brothers László and Györy Brió invented the ink made from paste for the functionality of a ballpoint pen. László was a journalist and his brother was a chemist. László was aggravated with how slow drying and easy to smudge-ink was and sought out to fix it.

     However, the original patented ballpoint pen was by John J. Loud in 1888 after a frustrating battle to mark tanning leather. Loud created the technology that had a small rotating metal ball clutched in a socket with the ability to cycle ink from the reservoir to the surface. After a few prototypes and trial and error, he realized the technology behind a ballpoint pen allows for deeper penetration of the ink, enough to write on elements other than paper. Loud described his invention as "Consists of an improved reservoir or fountain pen, especially useful, among other purposes, for marking on rough surfaces such as wood, coarse wrapping paper, and other articles where an ordinary pen could not be used"( 

    It becomes so effortless and unintentional to fall into a loop of dissatisfaction, nothing is ever enough. That feeling of chasing something for the adrenaline and dopamine rush that comes with the next new thing! Sort of what I would imagine being shopping addicts rush. Thinking back to a time before there was writing I can barely find the imagery to explain what I see. A world with no print would appear minimal. Nevertheless, humans evolved and found new technology. What I am trying to say is that the invention of the ballpoint pen had a significant impact on the communication we use today in 2023. The ballpoint pen has such an ordinary impression in our eyes except we fail to remind ourselves what a world without writing would be. 

    Serving as a catalyst for sending letters, sharing ideas, and more, writing was more accessible than ever. People could share a rapid flow of ideas thanks to a pen so portable. It was easy to use, and maintain and smudge-free!! The ballpoint pen changed the ability to communicate. It solved the crisis of distance blocking the ability to communicate. Instant messaging was not introduced for another 33 years! So try to imagine the rush of excitement people had to be able to share ideas so easily! The ballpoint pen became vital transportation for any and all ideas to end up in writing. Sometimes a tiny introduction can lead to a profound technological advancement. 

    Unfortunately, as with any good piece of technology, the ballpoint pen created some dilemmas, some we still face today. Many series and varieties of this pen are crafted with heavy metals and lead, both materials that do not contribute to the bettering of our environment. According to AKTIV TRADING "Worldwide 130 billion are used per year. This results in 20,000 tons of highly toxic heavy metals".  This is where humans excel in other routes to try and do better, the invention of digital type is an example of how the crisis has been helped. Aside from the negative impact on the environment and 1940s gossip that might have conversed the ballpoint pen was a positively complex yet simple, standard invention

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