Sunday, June 11, 2023

Top Five Sources for News and Information

Top 5 Sources of News and Information 

When it comes to news I have always strayed away from political news outlets because I personally can not tolerate hearing about the suffocating information that draws from political opinions. Nevertheless, I still find myself getting a variety of news and information from sources online. It is important to keep up to date with the rapid flow of information to remain aware, present, informed, and safe. Whether it be fashion news, breaking news, or even fitness news, here are five trusted outlets that I choose to get my information. 

News on TikTok 

In the past when I have told people I get news from TikTok I would get a smug reaction followed by a snarky comment about how not everything you see on the internet is true. That is valid since the internet is home to endless conspiracies and falsified information, but with proper research and fact-checking TikTok actually serves as a loaded news outlet right at our fingertips. Today we live in a world where the fastest way to get information that is unfiltered, unbiased, and factual is through social media. More recently, people have shifted from shock to understanding when I say I get news from TikTok. The information on Tiktok is easily accessible, relevant, and communicated in a clear conscience and exciting way. 

Latest TikTok News: Playlists feature introduced - Locowise Blog

News on Snapchat 

Before there was TikTok I found myself interested in the news that Snapchat had to offer. I use Snapchat to get information about anything. If there is a crisis happening in the world I will expect to see it and read about it on Snapchat. An example would be the Daily Mail story that discusses the pertinent events happening daily. If celebrities have the world in shambles about whatever it may be, I predict it will be on the Snapchat E! News Snapchat story within the next 12 hours. Snapchat serves as a rapid, up-to-date place I find news and information.

Snapchat is a major news source for teens - Pavement Pieces 

News on Instagram 

When I find myself looking for information that requires a little more research and focus I lean towards Instagram. I am extremely particular with who I follow on Instagram because it ultimately plays a role in my subconscious thoughts throughout the day. I love to use Instagram as a place to get information about living a healthy lifestyle, the up-and-coming in the fitness world and new studies about updated research on diet culture are some examples. I follow a few influencers who I know are reliable and trustworthy when it comes to the information they put out. I prefer to use Instagram for information as I see fit, I appreciate the influence others have on the media through Instagram. The power and impact of information being spread on Instagram make it a great place to find groundbreaking facts and news. Another example is when the Instagram community joins together to share a crisis through stories, this exposes me to worldly concerns that I might not see in other areas of news. 

Instagram's new change enlarges icons for Stories and it's kind of annoying

News on Good Morning America 

Growing up in a traditional household my family religiously had morning news playing. Good Morning America was a staple for background sound while we ate breakfast, got ready for school, or enjoyed the mornings together. The show continues to have a nostalgic place in my heart, when I hear the anchors Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos speaking I know exactly what is on TV. That childhood connection carried over into my adult life as I find myself old enough to understand the events that are being discussed on the show. It is not a key part of my routine to watch the news but my parents still have their routines and I get a great combination of current events, pop culture, and joyful news stories while in the company of my parents. 

Watch Good Morning America TV Show -

News on E! News 

When I am looking for news and information about the latest fashion trends or pop-culture information I turn to E! News. I like the information that is put out and the whitty conversations that can be had about the less serious things happening in the world. When I want to hear news about the latest events in the socialites of America I flip the channel to E! News. The discussions are relevant and up to date and being interested in fashion and style myself I have an easy time getting information without losing interest or getting distracted. 

E! News Live (TV Series 1996– ) - IMDb

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